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Evaluation Report 2015



On 7th August 2015 staff from Epping Forest Field Centre delivered a successful pond dipping session for families at the Staples Road Storage Pond in Loughton. This was thanks to funding from Loughton Town Council. During the 2 hour drop-in session, participants took part in a range of practical, outdoor activities aimed at increasing awareness, knowledge and understanding of the natural world.

This is the third year that EFFC has been awarded funding after previous events in October 2013 and August 2014. We hope this partnership can continue and welcome the assistance of Loughton Town Council to help promote this event to the Loughton community to encourage strong take up in the future.

The Loughton Big Family Pond Dip Programme

Members of staff organised a range of fun, hands on activities which included pond dipping, identification and research into the invertebrates found using fact packs.  The drop-in session was designed to help children and adults discover more about freshwater biodiversity. Six families booked onto the day in advance. On the day however ten adults attended in seven family groups along with eleven children ranging from 2-12 in age.


Feedback from the Pond Dip was all positive. 100% of participants were pleased with the activities, the value for money (free), and said they would attend again in the future. Full evaluation data can be seen below.






“The kids had lots of fun and were very enthusiastic about everything they found in the pond”

“A lovely, calm and informative activity. Perfect for a wide variety of age groups”

“It was more than I expected and had real education value”

“Interesting and useful!”

“A suitable and enjoyable educational activity grounded in fun and awareness”







The event was advertised in a variety of ways:

-       On the EFFC Eco-Activities Summer/Autumn 2015 leaflet – available at the centre

-       Pond Dip posters - available at the centre

-       Pond Dip posters on local notice-boards (Sainsburys, Tesco, Morrisons, Library, Cake and Shake, Organico, Bikers Tea Hut, High Beach Tea Hut, High Beach Café)

-       Emails sent directly to Associates of Epping Forest (August 2015)


 Loughton Big Family Pond Dip 


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